101Skin Aesthetic Clinic is indicative in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Brand in Taiwan.
Our treatment Team is professional in Dermatology,Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery.
(TAAMS)DR. Yang and (TAFPRS)DR. GAO are professional Doctors who collaborate to direct numerous cosmetic plastic surgery.
Our Specialized team is very reliable and outstanding.
Our location is at MRT Dapinglin station NO.3 exit. convenient transportation and with complete equipment.
We provide various types of plastic surgery such as Medical cosmetic、Micro-cosmetic surgery、liposuction、bromhidrosis surgery、Breast augmentation autologous fat transplantation、Rhinoplasty、breast augmentation, etc.
Services we Provide for foreign clients who come to Taiwan:
For our foreign guests facilitation, We offer an airport pick-up service and hotel reservation. Let us make your journey more relaxed and more comfortable.
.LINE ID:101skin
酒店/旅馆房间 |
名称 |
网址 |
参考价格 |
中信商务会馆 |
NT:$2750~4840/日 |
硅谷温泉会馆 |
NT:$3800~5800/日 |
新加州景观旅馆 |
NT:$1680~2280/日 |
美丽春天大饭店 |
NT:$5200~12000/日 |
※ 新店館 : 新北市新店區北新路三段198號2樓 (捷運大坪林站3號出口)。服務專線:02-8912-7338。LINE ID:101skin
※ 台北館 : 台北市大安區光復南路180巷2號2樓 (國父紀念館站5號出口)。服務專線:02-2752-2200。LINE ID:101premier
※ 中和館 : 新北市中和區景平路359號 (捷運景安站正對面)。預約諮詢專線:02-2246-9811。LINE ID:101beauty